Rattle Ring Toy
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- $8.95
Rattle Rings make a wonderful click-clack sound to entertain your bunny or other small pet as he/she chews and tosses this toy. The rings are easy for most small pets to grab onto for lifting, chewing or tossing.
This toy is sure to be a favorite with bunnies/small pets who like to shake things up!
Made of bunny-safe hardwood (untreated Birch or Maple - depends on current wood supply), the toy measures 4.25" (10.8 cm) long with two 1.125" (2.9 cm) round beads and five 1.75" x 0.375" (4.4 x 0.9 cm) rings.
Our rabbits play with this toy briefly but consistently. They toss, kick, and gnaw at it to pick out hay/treats. It shows no signs of wear despite their play habits.
Bo has a great time picking this up and throwing it around the room! It’s really well made and he surprisingly hasn’t chewed it so far so it still looks good as new.
Bun loves it
My Holland lops LOVE this toy,they love to toss it around and paw at it. Such a great mind stimulating toy.
My buns haven’t been too interactive with this toy, but there will always been some toys that are a hit, and some that are a miss. I do hear them moving it around in the cage everyone now and again. It’s a well made toy of great quality!!