Bunny Bloating: How to Relieve Your Rabbit's Gas Pain
If you're a rabbit owner, you know that your furry friend can be prone to a variety of health issues. One of the most common of these issues is gas, which can cause your bunny to experience discomfort and even pain. Gas in rabbits is often caused by a buildup of bacteria in the digestive tract, and can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as a diet high in carbohydrates, a lack of exercise, or your rabbit's particular sensitivity to a specific food.
As a responsible rabbit owner, it's important to understand the signs and symptoms of gas in rabbits and know how to relieve the discomfort that your bunny is experiencing. In this article, we'll provide you with some helpful tips for managing gas in your pet rabbit. Whether you're a seasoned rabbit owner or a new pet parent, you'll find the information in this article useful and practical. So, let's hop to it and learn how to help your bunny feel better!
Can Rabbits Pass Gas?
Yes, rabbits can pass gas just like any other animal but it’s rare to hear it from your bunny (although you have to admit, it'd be pretty darn cute!). Gas is a natural byproduct of the digestive process and is usually released through the rectum. However, when gas builds up in the digestive system, it can become trapped and cause discomfort or pain.
Understanding the Causes of Rabbit Gas
Gas in rabbits can be caused by a variety of factors, and it's important to understand the underlying causes in order to prevent the issue from recurring. One of the most common causes of gas in rabbits is diet.
Do Certain Foods Cause Gas in Rabbits?
Yes, certain foods can cause gas in rabbits, however there is a misconception out there that vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, kale, etc. will cause gas for every rabbit who consumes them. However, this is misleading and here’s why: the potential for gas in rabbits is not solely due to a specific "gassy vegetable," but rather the individual reaction of the body's bacterial population to that food. The unique bacteria in each rabbit's gut and their varying levels of gas production make it impossible to predict how a particular food will affect each pet rabbit. Therefore, it's important to be mindful of your rabbit's diet and observe any reactions they may have to specific foods.
Some foods that are high in starch, sugar, or carbohydrates can be difficult for rabbits to digest and may lead to gas or other digestive issues. According to the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund, some common foods that may cause gas in rabbits include:

High-starch vegetables: Vegetables like potatoes & corn are high in starch and may be difficult for rabbits to digest.
To prevent gas and other digestive issues, it's important to feed your rabbit a healthy, balanced diet that is high in fiber and low in sugar and carbohydrates. Hay should make up the majority of your rabbit's diet, with a small amount of fresh greens/vegetables, pellets (no muesli), and limited amounts of fruit or treats.
It's also important to introduce new foods slowly, in small amounts, and one at a time so that you can determine if your rabbit has a negative reaction. Avoid sudden changes in your rabbit's diet (like switching brands of pellets).
Other factors that can contribute to gas include:
- A lack of exercise
- Stress
- Dehydration
- Eating too quickly (check out our Interactive Pellet & Treat Feeder to help slow down fast eaters!)
- Underlying health conditions
- Antibiotics
While it's important to be aware of the factors that can cause gas in rabbits, it's also important to remember that some rabbits may be more prone to gas than others, regardless of their diet and exercise habits. If your bunny is experiencing frequent bouts of gas, it may be worth consulting with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.
Signs and Symptoms of Gas in Rabbits
Gas in rabbits can cause a range of symptoms, and it's important to be able to recognize these signs in order to provide your bunny with relief. Some common signs that your rabbit may be experiencing gas pain include:
- Loss of appetite
- Decreased activity level/lethargy
- Abdominal discomfort, such as hunching or stretching out
- Loud stomach gurgling or rumbling
- Difficulty passing stool or diarrhea
- Excessive grooming of the abdomen
- Pushing the stomach against the floor
- The stomach is hard to the touch
- Grinding teeth (different from “teeth chattering or purring” when a rabbit is content)
- Body temperature below 100 degrees Fahrenheit
If you notice any of these signs in your rabbit, it's important to act quickly to provide your bunny with relief. Left untreated, gas in rabbits can lead to more serious complications, such as bloating or stasis.
Tips for Relieving Rabbit Gas Pain
If your rabbit is experiencing gas pain, there are a few things that you can do to help provide relief. Here are some tips to try:
Offer a warm compress
Placing a warm compress on your bunny's abdomen can help to soothe the muscles and provide relief from gas pain. You can use a hot water bottle, a warm towel, or a heating pad set to a low temperature. Snuggle Safe is a popular microwavable pad. Rice packs or hot water bottles used in our popular Hop n’ Flop® bed are comforting solutions to offer heat for your rabbit. Be sure to monitor your bunny closely to ensure that the compress isn't too hot and always make sure they can get up and away from the heat source.
*Be sure you protect any cords on heating pads from your rabbit chewing on them.
Offer a targeted herbal forage
Our Gas & Bloat Relief Herbal Forage is a holistic mix of nourishing herbs formulated to help reduce gas and therefore ease the pain from bloating. This is a wonderful tonic blend which can be offered daily to pets who frequently experience digestive issues that lead to painful gas episodes. It can also be used to help encourage eating during a gas episode or belly upset.
Offer Gas & Bloat Relief Powder
Our Gas & Bloat Relief Powder is an amazing tool to have on hand to help break down gas bubbles and alleviate gastric dilation (bloating). This powder includes all of the powerful herbs included in our Gas & Bloat Relief Herbal Forage + ginger powder for an extra soothing mix. You can mix with simethicone for holistic relief.
Give your bunny simethicone
Simethicone is an over-the-counter medication that can help to break up gas bubbles in the digestive tract. You can find baby simethicone at most pharmacies, and it comes in a liquid or chewable tablet form - the liquid form is ideal for rabbits and you'll want to make sure it's dye free. Always consult with your veterinarian before giving your bunny any new medications.
Massage your bunny's abdomen
Gently massaging your bunny's abdomen can help to stimulate the digestive system and promote the release of trapped gas. Use a light touch and circular motions, being careful not to press too hard. Here's an awesome tutorial on massaging your rabbit.
Encourage your bunny to move around
Exercise can help to keep your bunny's digestive system moving and prevent gas from building up. Encourage your bunny to hop around or play with toys to get them moving.
Remember, if your bunny's gas pain persists or worsens, it's important to seek veterinary care. Your veterinarian can provide additional treatment options and help you determine the underlying cause of your bunny's gas.
Preventing Gas in Rabbits
Prevention is key when it comes to gas in rabbits. Here are some tips to help prevent gas from occurring in the first place:
Feed your bunny a healthy diet
A diet that is high in fiber and low in carbohydrates is essential for preventing gas in rabbits. Opt for high-quality hay and fresh vegetables, and avoid muesli pellets and sugary treats.
Provide plenty of exercise opportunities
Exercise helps to keep your bunny's digestive system moving and prevent gas from building up. Provide plenty of opportunities for your bunny to run and play.
Reduce stress
Stress can disrupt your bunny's digestive system and contribute to the development of gas. Make sure that your bunny has a comfortable and safe living environment, with plenty of hiding spots and toys to keep them entertained.
Monitor your bunny's behavior and health
Keep an eye on your bunny's eating, drinking, and bathroom habits, and be on the lookout for any signs of discomfort or pain. Catching gas early can help to prevent it from becoming a more serious issue.
By following these tips and being mindful of your bunny's diet, exercise, and overall health, you can help to prevent gas from occurring in the first place.
Gas in rabbits can be uncomfortable and painful for your furry friend, but with the right care and attention, you can help to provide relief and prevent it from occurring in the first place. By recognizing the signs of gas and knowing how to provide relief, you can help your bunny feel better and stay healthy.
Remember to always keep an eye on your bunny's behavior and health, and to consult with your veterinarian if you notice any concerning symptoms or changes. With a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and a stress-free living environment, you can help to keep your bunny happy, healthy, and free from gas pain.
Hi,i have a female rabbit aged 4. i think she might have megacolon she is always getting Gi stasis SHE’S HAD IT MORE TIMES THEN I CAN COUNT…We feed her oxbow pellets ,oaten hay ,And grass .We stopped giving her greens as they were causing gas.. What would you recommend for her?
The Well Kept Rabbit replied:
Hi Kerryanne! I do have a couple of suggestions – there is a group on Facebook called "Genetic Megacolon Bunnies on Facebook” that I highly recommend but you do have to email them to join as it is a private group and they limit their members. The email is beaubinky@gmail.com. The other group is "Charlie Rabbits with Megacolon or Cowpile Syndrome”. Aside from those groups that will be helpful for megacolon specifically, I will also of course recommend that your girl be seen by a rabbit savvy vet if she has not already. A couple thoughts on her food: Supreme Selective brand has pellets that are extruded and these are much more tolerable, especially for megacolon rabbits. You may want to consider slowly switching her over to that brand. When you mention grass do you mean grass from the lawn? This may be something you want to temporarily discontinue as well to see if she gets less gas episodes. Teeth can also be a culprit and a number of other underlying issues which is why it is vital to see a rabbit savvy vet. Rabbit.org has a great vet searching tool on their website that you can use! Hope this helps!
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Any vitamin/multivitamine syrup for good digest for rabbit?
The Well Kept Rabbit replied:
Hi Mansi! Thank you for reading our blog post and reaching out! When it comes to rabbits, multivitamin syrups are generally not necessary if they’re on a well-balanced diet. In fact, feeding the right diet is far more important for their health than supplementing with a multivitamin.
A high-quality pellet is essentially a multivitamin for rabbits, as it’s formulated to provide the essential nutrients they need. Choosing a good pellet is vital—look for one that is high in fiber, low in protein, and free of added sugars, seeds, or colorful bits. Combine this with unlimited fresh hay, clean water, and a variety of leafy greens to ensure your rabbit gets everything they need to thrive.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask—I’m always happy to help! > >
If a rabbit is ppooping alot and having hard dark balls but seems to be having digestive distress, should I skip giving lettuce(romain). In people it can increase distress but what a bout rabbits?
what about pellets? hay, pellets and romaine lettuce are her main diet items?
Symptoms – making herself into a ball,turning in circles, or stretching out on the floor
The Well Kept Rabbit replied:
Hi Barbara! It’s always a good idea to check with a trusted rabbit-savvy vet first. While romaine is a common and safe green to feed your rabbit daily, every rabbit is different, much like humans, and can have unique sensitivities to certain foods. You might want to try offering a variety of greens for her. We recommend a minimum of three different greens each day—such as romaine, parsley, and dill—and rotating them weekly if possible. This not only ensures a range of nutrients but also keeps things interesting for your rabbit—imagine eating the same food every day! If you’d like to discuss her diet further, including her hay and pellets, or if you have further concerns about her digestive issues, feel free to email me at anna@wellkeptrabbit.com. I’m here to help!
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